This is the Forth version of our combination
application. It's one of the Palm
You need Quartus Forth (see tools section).
Below is the .forth
\ combination
\ Palm
\ Quartus Forth
: factorial ( n -- result )
dup \ Stack: n n
2 < if \ if n <= 1
drop 1 exit \ return 1
else dup 1- recurse * \ recurse
: combination ( n p -- result )
2dup \ Stack: n p n p
- factorial \ n p (n-p)!
rot factorial \ p (n-p)! n!
rot factorial \ (n-p)! n! p!
rot \ n! p! (n-p)!
* \ n! (p!*(n-p)!)
/ \ (n / (p!*(n-p)!))
\ Main entry point:
: go ( -- )
." Combination > Palm > Quartus Forth" cr
." factorial(7)=" 7 factorial . cr
." factorial(4)=" 4 factorial . cr
." factorial(3)=" 3 factorial . cr
." combination(7,4)=" 7 4 combination . cr
Quartus Forth is a mobile tool. As such, it runs directly
on your mobile device.
Copy and paste the source code above into a new memo
with Palm Desktop. Run HotSync. The source code will be stored in
a \Combination memo.
Launch Quartus Forth, tap include
combination to load the memo. To run the sample, enter go.
The core functions are : factorial,
combination and go.
See for yourself how the RPN (Reverse Polish Notation)
is amazing and unusual: 7 4 + (post-fixed
notation) means 7 + 4 (unfixed notation).
After some practice, it becomes as legible - if not
more - than our "traditional" unfixed notation.

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