Home > Palm > Samples > Combination > Smalltalk
  Palm sample in Smalltalk


This is the Smalltalk version of our combination application. It's one of the Palm Samples.


You need Pocket Smalltalk(see tools section).

 Source code

Below is the .st file.

For .rcp, .bmp, .prj and .prc, please download the ZIP file.

!"Pocket Smalltalk fileout - 9:54:01 PM, Monday, December 16, 2002"!

!Object constantsFor: 'Resource Databases'!

resourceDB1 'D:\PocketSmalltalk\vm.prc'!
resourceDB2 'E:\Projects\Eric-poncet\Mobile\Source\Samples\palm\smalltalk\*.bin'! !

Application subclass: #Combination
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''!

!Combination methodsFor: 'uncategorized'!

combination: n and: p
	^self factorial: n; / self factorial: n - p;  * self factorial: p.!

	| factorialN factorialP factorialN_P combinationNP |

	factorialN := self factorial: 7.
	factorialP := self factorial: 4.
	factorialN_P := self factorial: 7 - 4.
	combinationNP := self combination: 7 and: 4.

		drawString: 'Combination > Palm > Smalltalk'
		x: 4
		y: 2.

		drawString: 'Factorial(7) = ', factorialN printString
		x: 4
		y: 22.

		drawString: 'Factorial(4) = ', factorialP printString
		x: 4
		y: 34.

		drawString: 'Factorial(3) = ', factorialN_P printString
		x: 4
		y: 46.

		drawString: 'Combination(7,4) = ', combinationNP printString
		x: 4
		y: 58.

factorial: n
	^ n <= 1 ifTrue: [1] ifFalse: [n * (self factorial: n - 1)].
! !


Smalltalk is probably the purest OO languages. It's based on an everything-is-an-object model.

Pocket Smalltalk provides you with a desktop tool and a mobile virtual machine. You'll develop your app on your desktop and generate a .prc that you'll HotSync to your mobile device. The aforementioned virtual machine runs on your beloved device an executes the .prc file.

The core methods are : factorial, combination and go, in class Combination.

To compile this sample, you'll need to use PilRC for the resources. Also, you have to add a start method in class Smalltalk, which will actually launch our app:

       | combination |

       combination := Combination new go.

       Form notify: 'OK'.! !

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