Home > Palm > Samples > Combination > Basic
  Palm sample in Basic


This is the Basic version of our combination application. It's one of the Palm Samples.


You need SmallBasic (see tools section).

 Source code

Below is the .bas file.

' Combination.bas
' Palm
' SmallBasic

func factorial(n)
local total

total = 1

if (n > 1) then
    for i = 2 to n
        total = total * i
    next i

factorial = total

func combination(n, p)
    combination = factorial(n) / (factorial(n-p)*factorial(p))

print cat(3); "Combination > Palm > SmallBasic"; cat(0)
print "factorial(7) = "; factorial(7)
print "factorial(4) = "; factorial(4)
print "factorial(3) = "; factorial(3)

print "combination(7, 4) = "; combination(7, 4)


SmallBasic runs on your mobile device.

Copy and Paste the source code above into a new memo with Palm Desktop. Run HotSync. The source code will be stored in a 'Combination.bas memo, that you can load and run with SmallBasic.

The core functions are : factorial(), combination() and the main program.

Next sample


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